Furever ever?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

I recently bought this All Saints sweater  before a date with a pro basketball player. I went in to All Saints to buy a dress and came out with a classic and effortless chic sweater (plus its super soft). Sometimes you have to dress-down for a date...make them work for the heels and dress ensemble! 

 I got this fur coat at Saks and never wore it until today! I sort of don't mind that it is so big on me-it keeps me warm! I am so excited for spring weather! 

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." 


  1. Great play on words with your post title. Loving this look and your hair is so fab!

  2. Lovely blog!! Chic!! :)
    I'm following your blog now!! If you want you can follow my blog too! :)


    Kisses!! :)
