Where Am I? I MOVED!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hello boys and bombshells! So I have been INSANELY busy with school and senior year andddd moving this blog over to Wordpress! I moved the content over (after automatically mass tweeting every post...YIKES! Sorry about that) and have been playing around with the design of the new site.

I  moved over to Wordpress for a couple of reasons:
  • I want to take blogging more seriously and all of the feedback I have been getting is that people really like my blog and know I am on the brink of something (thank you for bearing with me). 
  • Reward Style, the company that handles my affiliate work, also said that the top bloggers are using Wordpress and that having a .com on the end of my blog will show my professional side as well. 
  • I knew it would be a challenge and I wanted to conquer it! I also want to be consistent and build an amazing fan base and blog of course!

^^ Here is how the site is coming along so far... I designed the logo using photoshop. I played around with marble textures as well. I want Boys and Bombshell to be luxurious and glamorous so I went with a rose gold. My theme is Genevieve from 17th Avenue Designs.

My goal for Boys and Bombshell is to have a site where you want to stay and browse all of the topics that help you look and feel your best. I have had a lifelong connection with fashion and started reading Vogue in kindergarten. I studied fashion marketing and fashion design at Savannah College of Art and Design and took other beneficial classes like color theory which I apply to graphic design and fashion. At my core I am a visual person and want to make the world and everything in it more beautiful than I found it. I also think writing is one of my strong suits...I can relate to people and engage them. So I hope that I can tie my strengths and passions together under one roof (or in this case, one site) and help you all to become the best person you are meant to be. 

I know it's corny! There is always something to look forward to and the future is exciting. Follow me and my new blog >>>> BOYSANDBOMBSHELL.COM.

As always I appreciate your feedback and comments :)
XO, Emmy

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