Fall Goals: Deep Direction

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thank you to B Bar for the relevant topic for this month's blog link up...it is something I have been meaning to put into words to motivate my readers and to learn from my crazy experiences! 

Lately I feel like I am being spun in twenty different directions at once and half-assing everything I do so I can look down every path that I find. I just graduated from college and landed in a big new city (Los Angeles sound familiar?) I have been going a little nuts. My diagnosis is that I'm having a cliche existential crisis. I know I'm young and just a baby but my thoughts have been: hurry up and figure out your purpose before it's too late. It's a kind of stress I'm not used to because I have to face it on my own and deal with it correctly. We are all trying to figure out our purpose and how to best use our time, and fall is the perfect transitional season to get yourself in the right state of mind to conquer your goals. 

My goals for fall are to deal with this overwhelming stress and fear by narrowing down the direction I want in life. Not having a plan is planning to fail, so I'd like to approach my goals with more concrete strategy than just "give it your best." I have to make sure what I do every day is aligning with what I want for the future  I commit to a lot of projects and some of it turns into wasting time and draining my energy. It's something I have to work on every day and take responsibility for. By narrowing down what I want out of life I am giving myself confidence and setting myself up for success. I suggest all of my readers take time in their day to reevaluate their personal goals. It's okay to politely say no to projects and go about it without burning bridges. 

Apart from gaining direction with what I want out of life (which is pretty deep), I also have to counteract my days with stress relief. I am fortunate enough to live within walking distance to Runyon canyon and a 10 minute drive to the beach. I also go to Equinox gym which is my treat to myself for putting in a lot of entrepreneurial work every day. I am a big believer in healthy stress relief and a "no excuses'' approach. My challenge for all of you for fall is to always ask more of yourself and always see room for improvement/personal growth. It makes life rewarding and ensures happiness that comes from within you instead of external/situational forces. 

My other goals are to track my expenditures every day from my bank accounts, clean my apartment daily, and journal about what I am doing so I can evaluate what is a good use of time. I've also been avoiding dating lately because all of the men I've seen have been overly physical and to be honest, complete nut jobs. I'm not mentally in a place to date and at the end of the day it feels like a waste of my time for no reason. I also use to get up every day at 5AM but the neighborhood I live in is pretty loud so I end up not getting enough sleep. I'm trying to move out of the area closer to the beach but I want to make sure my life is more organized before I commit to a more expensive apartment. Being responsible with your time, money, and thoughts will set you up for success! 

What are your fall goals!?